The Foundation

Rueckwaerts und vorwaerts denken  , founded in 2005

is a charitable and sponsoring foundation, that means we support particularly certain people , who are in financial feed.The original idea of RUVD  was to address Ex-Soviet prisoners of war (POW) held and mistreated in Germany during  the years of 1941-45.eine wohltätige , nicht operative Stiftung .  Das bedeutet , wir unterstützen  ganz bestimmte bedürftige Menschen  mit finanziellen Mitteln.
Der Grundgedanke der Stiftung war  zunächst, unter den vielen Formen  von Leid des 20. Jahrhunderts,   das Schicksal der sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen  besonders  zu berücksichtigen.

Comparing the fate of these prisoners  with the German POW kept in the USSR , one can see a clear difference : from the 5.7 millions  of Soviet POW died 3.3 million (58 %) ,whereas  from 3.2 milion of German POW held in USSR  , it was 1.1 million who did not return home (38 %).

One of the main reasons  why so many Soviet soldiers  died in German concentration camps  , was because of the distinctive  racism in Nazi Germany , which,   apart from the Jewish people, was also directed  towards all Eastern Europeans .

The German POW held in Soviet camps returned to their homes contributing to the country`s economy and the reconstruction of After-war Germany . Many died in peace and prosperitiy.On the contrary  the Soviet POW returnees  were insulted and harassed  during and after  Stalin`s dictatorship.  Many of those , who are still alive today , live in poverty and they lack of many things.

Our foundation RUVD now takes a tiny part of the accumulated wealth in Germany in form  of a little  three storeyed  apartment  house near Munich  and distributes its incoming rents  to the former Soviet POW ,who are still alive .  This is managed by help of the organization  KONTAKTE in Berlin, which gives  300.- Euro -rather a symbolical gesture than real aid – to the people.
The recipients are now very old  and therefore  we ended the transfers with date of 30.6.2020, because there were no more people left  who were entitled to get the money . From 2005 until 2020  we had transferred a total sum of 144.000.-Euro  to 480 persons , more or less, who lived mainly in the Ucraine, in Belarus, Armenia  and Russia .

Foreseeing the biological end of the ex-soviet POW , RUVD right from the start searched for  another purpose for the future. Money for educational projects  is urgently needed in the whole world  and it was coincidence  as well as personal preference of the donor to decide in which continent she wished to make a contribution.   Consequently RUVD chose Latinamerica   and here  especially , projects in Guatemala and in Cochabamba /Bolivia , because there already existed   intense  links  and personal relations .

These contacts became more and more intense during time ; we visited one another , meaning  that not only people travelled from Berlin to Latinamerica, but also there were visitors in the other direction, i.e. from Cochabamba or from Guatemala to Berlin.   Besides , we used the ZOOM technique for conferences  with our partners , so that we were able to install a very good comunication (see „News“).

Weil das biologische Ende der ehemaligen sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen abzusehen war, hat die Stiftung von Anfang an auch vorwärts  gewandte , edukative Projekte unterstützt .

Geld wird auf der ganzen Welt für sinnvolle Projekte dringend gebraucht und so  ist es letztlich  Zufall bzw.  persönliche Präferenz der Stifterin  ,welchen Kontinent  man wählt , um einen kleinen Beitrag zu leisten . Wir haben uns für Lateinamerika entschieden  und hier für Guatemala in Mittelamerika und für Cochabamba in Bolivien, weil es zu diesen Orten schon intensive persönliche Verbindungen und Beziehungen gab.

Diese Kontakte sind im Laufe der Zeit immer intensiver geworden , man besucht sich gegenseitig, d.h. es reisen nicht nur Leute von Berlin nach Guatemala etc, sondern es kommt auch Besuch von Cochabamba und von Guatemala nach Berlin . Zusätzlich benutzen wir seit 2 Jahren die elektronische ZOOM Technik für Konferenzen mit unseren Partnern  , sodaß wir insgesamt einen guten Austausch haben (s. Nachrichten unter „Aktuelles“).

In Centralamerica we work together with  catholic dominican Sisters , who are running various schools and boarding schools ,especially in Guatemala.  The Sisters seem to us very committed  and  not too dogmatic   ; they have a rough time fighting the influence of Evangelical Churches who are more and more  dominating the religious spheres  in Latinamerica .

Sister Maria Teresa , has founded  , together with   Erika Kammer from Berlin, the program of scholarships , that turns out to be very successfull  during the years .

Since Isabell Nordhausen became member of the board of the foundation  (2020) we support also projects of  the INKOTA network , which is active in Centralamerica   and where Isabell works as an  employee .  So there is a lot of synergies.

In Cochabamba we support the organization Hamiraya , founded in 1996, to care especially for children  who have to live in prisons together with their imprisoned parents.

Here , the legal status of the children has changed, meaning that they no longer are allowed to live in the prisons after having finished the age of 6,  but their special and precarious situation stays the same.

Whoever is interested to get to know more about our various activities , should have a look at the section   „News“ ,    have much fun !!